card no 4
to Maria
reason thanks for sending the photos I asked for for my album
card double sided patterned paper from Crate Paper + a photo of Maria & Andreas from their wedding
envelope from a roll of wrapping paper
Summer work, hiking and then first week of the new semester kept me from crafty projects, but now I decided to jump back in.
This was my first attempt in a long while to cut out letters with my knife. It turned out to be a lot easier than I expected/ remembered! Something I'll be sure to return to. I accidentally cut the letter A while the card was folded, so I had an A shape in the back of the card too. That gave me the idea to glue a photo to the backside of the card, to fill the hole. And I like how it looks. I love mistakes that make the finished result better than it would have if I hadn't made the mistake!
More info on the 40 cards project here.