
40 cards: the beginning

What's this?
I'll be making and sending 40 cards in a year. Starting now, July 18th 2012. I'm excited! I must admit, I actually created this blog partly for this project (although I hope the blog will contain loads of other paper projects and art journals as well).

Where did this idea come from?
The inspiration came from Elise Blaha's fabulous 40 loaves and 40 pizzas projects. I've been feeling inspired to do something similar - basically, 40 things on a theme in a year. So I asked myself what I would really like to do more of but rarely get around to. The answer came quickly: sending cards.

Why cards?
Sending cards is awesome because it combines my love of crafting with my love for my friends. I like real mail; real, tactile, surprise art in the mailbox. I've been writing a lot of letters in my days but have found recently that I like the creating/ decorating part just as much as writing the actual letter. On a card, there's room for artwork, but there's still room to say what you want to say, too. Most of the cards will probably be sent in an envelope so they wont fall apart if they are collaged and/ or fragile. And also because I love to make envelopes.

Who am I going to send them to?
Anyone I can think of. Anyone to whom I need, want or should say something. Anyone who needs some cheering up. Anyone who would appreciate it or has seen too little art lately. My friends and family. My old penpals. My old classmates. Strangers?

1. They have to be made, designed or altered by me in some way.
2. They have to be sent (or given away). (Why? Because I'm a hoarder and sometimes I make things and have a difficult time letting go of them, so they end up in a box somewhere which doesn't make anyone happy.)
3. They have to be documented in the blog. (Why? Because things tend to get done more easily if I've publicly promised to do them ...)
4. They don't have to be all fancy or brilliant and above all, they don't all have to be original and different. I may repeat themes, ideas and elements, I may follow tutorials or gather inspiration from my cards and paper board on Pinterest, or anything else that crosses my mind. (Why? Because forcing myself to make something brilliant and original is the kind of thought that would make me anxious and procrastinating and want to stop. Forcing myself to just make something anything whatever, and then send it out into the world, that is the kind of thought that inspires me.)

So, wish me luck! :)


  1. I think this is a great idea. I started one of those 365 projects and haven't nearly enough photos for it to count, but it helps with inspiring me! You should be really motivated by every card you make. Every one, no matter how much you like it should make you want to make more. Great start & good luck!

    1. I will try to stay motivated for sure, but I don't think it will be possible to always want to make more. art an creativity is also work, at least for me, and some days I will be bored, but I will still want to keep going. so I don't quite agree with you, but thanks a lot for your encouragement, I appreciate it!

  2. good luck!! i'm so excited to watch this blog. I actually started something very similar for my 32nd birthday.. I want to send 2 letters or packages a week, so my goal is 104. it is starting to seem maybe a little too ambitious... but I'm just like you, sending letters is one thing I always wish I did more often! I haven't really made it public but I have been keeping a tumblr here: 104letters.tumblr.com (password is mail).

    1. thank you! I was hoping you'd want to watch this blog :) your mail project is awesome! two things to send each week does seem like a lot, but any rules/ ideas/ plan that keeps us motivated is good, I think. and for some it's always better to aim for the stars to at least end up in the treetops. :) good luck to you!
